Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Happy Dog Day- #9

Look who is already 9 years old today!!

Yesterday I was admiring your eyes (a fetching hazel) and I said, "Carlee you are just more beautiful every day."

Then you said, "and I am getting stronger each day." 

Then I said "and smarter." 

and we both agreed being stronger and smarter is better!

This has by far been a challenging year.   
It is not easy navigating third grade, reading EOG, a teacher mom, friends, and a teenage brother in the middle of a pandemic. 
You have developed both strength and resilience!
We love your quiet and observant nature that holds a secret wicked humor.
I love how physical you are with a natural athletic ability.
You are an artist, a creator, 
and have had your own fashion sense (since age 2)!
You are an empath in this world. 
You prefer animals.
You have a deeper spiritual side and value daily prayer over gatherings.
You are stubborn,  
(and while that doesn't work well for me) 
it may equip you in a world that tends to tell girls how they should act.
You are loved as the forever Baby Sechrist and we are very proud of you.

In celebration of the big 09-
we had a Dog Rescue Lunch.

The dog ears were my idea 
(too much?)

The star of the day had to be this Maggie Cake.
Is that not amazing!?! 
Best Cake Ever (and delicious too).

Remember to Adopt
There are a lot of sweet pets out there that need YOU.

We had enough pups to donate to the prize box at her school, because we agree you can really never have too many pups!!

Shots and Grooming 
are important before you take your doggie home. 

Every new adoption needs a birth certificate.

Lunch Time- 
do you love our dog bowl dishes?

We even used them for a quick fast food dinner!

As part of the lunch, we talked about a local rescue organization, 
and we made treats for the foster dogs they house.

Peanut Butter, Pumpkin, Whole Wheat, Egg, 
and a Dash of Cinnamon

Maybe we all had a little bite before the dogs tried it. 

These bone cookie cutters are a must (6.00).

Maggie certainly approved.

We mixed our homemade bone snacks with some others to make these...

delicious Doggie Goodie Bowls to give out.

Crafting Time:
DIY Wooden Bones

Later that evening we invited our CUZ over for some late evening BINGO (with prizes)!

I didn't realize how many dog breeds I could not pronounce.
Maggie helped us out.

We continued our DOG Day with a DOG morning.
Look at that casserole (it has salad croutons in it). 

The Grande Finale:
Carlee wanted a burrito blanket for her birthday.

Thats my Girl!
Happy Birthday Carlee Anne

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