Saturday, December 9, 2017

Birthday, Thanksgiving, and Princess Day

This morning we unexpectedly woke up to this winter wonderland.

Normally, I would not appreciate snow during a time like this because it has already interfered with basketball games, a possible trip to Raleigh, Christmas shopping, and the Christmas play.
However, because I hit stress level +11 last week, I was able to appreciate the halt of all activities.
This snow (like online shopping) was a pure blessing.  

December activities are certainly taking us through a whirlwind but today I was able to sort and pull my pictures off of all devices.  
Allow me to get caught up in November:  

Birthday-  my last 30s
This year was really different for my birthday.  
I'm used to my old school really going all out, so this year was a bit more subdued, which was fine because I was overwhelmed by life.  Still, I ended up arriving to a BiG SuRpRiSe...

Yep, Mrs. E.  made sure to sneak to the school to surprise me with a sign, cake, and BIRDday gift. 

You may have remembered from my previous blog that all of my friends have an unhealthy attachment to bird watching, calling, and picture taking (snore), so Mrs. E. made sure to set me up with some bird trinkets.  #craycray

My middle schoolers had no problem sharing my cake.
(Birthdays never tasted so good Mrs. E!!)

It was a good birthday, lots of good wishes and the Husband even brought me back a gift from the beach trip he took with Connor. 

Love those bangles. 

Thanksgiving STOP #1

                  This year we made a few stops for                                         Thanksgiving.

I made the most adorable cornucopias for dessert. 

Turkey Day Selfie

Tru Bug Selfie

Yum!  Yum!  There is a reason they call it 
'Thanksgiving Day Full'. 

Thanksgiving STOP #2

Don't you love this coloring tablecloth?
It provides a lot of entertainment while you await the Turkey Lunch.  (In between selfies that is...)

My Connor:  going through his football cards. 
(My boy loves his football.)

An Auntie Selfie

C & O
(these gals are growing too fast)

A little Thanksgiving Game called 'Farting Pig'
(bringing family members closer one fart at a time)

Burning Off the Turkey Dinner

Football Time (while practicing with volleyball?)

In Sechrist Tradition- 
We Deck the Halls right after Thanksgiving (or the next day)
I love this photo of my sweeties.

This is what happened right after the picture was made:

Princess Day

Another tradition, 
our annual mother-daughter Disney on Ice day.
Don't you love this fur coat?

It is one of the nicest gifts we have ever been given.

We had so much fun!!  
It was totally worth it.  

Here is the highlight reel I made for Carlee-

I love me some princess day with my growing princess!

Now bring on the Christmas Festivities!!! 

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