Saturday, December 31, 2016

December Moments

Other December Moments:

Our family has never gotten into the Elf on the Shelf (hello creepy elf), but this year we did get this elf that seemed so much more friendly.
This elf only hides and does not do all of this watching, reporting, etc.
(He also doesn't look creepy.)

I hid Efie one night and the kids found him like this:

They took one look, made no comment or expression of excitement, and then returned to breakfast.  That was the end of Elfie.

Dinner and "Quotes Box" with Friends
The quote box is any funny or interesting quote overheard during the day.  
We place the quotes in a box and review monthly.

We had a lot of laughs.
For example, 
"You need to go to Sechrist School of Drama child."

what a good meal! 

Christmas Parade bound with my little Bear.

Happy Birthday Jesus 

This was our Candy Cottage Float

Santa Stop:

Sadly Connor doesn't enjoy the Santa stop anymore.
I was surprised at how disappointed I was when some of the magic was lost but it is all a part of growing up. 

He fully supported his sister.
He helped write her note.

The best part was when Santa read the letter.  Since Connor spelled 'boats' for 'boots', Santa looked totally confused this girly girl wanted a dollhouse, shopkins, and motorized water vessels.  :)
The difference in a letter is a big deal! 

Carlee did meet with Santa while having a complete death grip on her brother's hand.

Thank You Santa for the healthy boundaries! 

Later that month, Olaf made a surprise stop at the daycare for open house! 

Definitely a little more scary than Santa.  ha. ha.

New Cardinal Christmas Lights
(Our home is a blend of Cardinal and Bears.)

Reindeer Food

Lucky the Reindeer found our home with no problem.

Happy New Year

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