Thursday, August 3, 2017

Good Bye and Hello....

How do I say Goodbye and Hello?

This summer I was unexpectedly hit with some very sad news that my son's inclusion teacher would be leaving to another school system.  This absolutely broke my heart because this teacher knows and loves my son.  This personal relationship has contributed to his personal and academic growth.  At the same time, when his teacher called and explained her reasons for taking her own path, I totally understood and supported her.  Soon I began to think about my own role.  The idea of applying for an upper grade position would suddenly not leave my head.  When I spoke to the principal about the position my final thoughts were 1. too many people depend on me.  2. my daughter will need the comfort of me being at her school when she begins.  3.  Mrs. E. has been my partner in crime for 10 years  4.  I love my colleagues and my other T.A. Mrs. C.  5.  What will happen to my students and parents?  (I mean seriously, doesn't every teacher think no one can do it unless we do it.)

Teaching Partner

Still, the idea niggled and niggled in my head.  It would not leave and then I began to pray over it.  I spoke to a few close family and friends who encouraged that I apply.  The same family/friends who understood the exhaustion I was experiencing in working with very young children with multiple needs. Although rewarding, at the start the discipline/functional training takes precedence over the educational training.   It took us ten years to go from a self contained room with three children, a chalkboard,  used books, and puzzles with missing pieces into the mega multi-purpose room it is now.   In the last years, the expectation that I would take on challenges no matter how great began to become overwhelming.  As timing would have it, a young teacher will begin the school year in our room.  A teacher who I can tell has a heart for children and one who I hope will flourish under the strength of my the two teaching assistants.  
teaching town

moving rooms 

I spoke with Connor and Carlee about the possibility of applying for a different position and my concerns.  Connor in a moment of wisdom said, 'When B. left church I was afraid that we would no longer be friends, but we now spend more time together and you will still be friends with Mrs. E. and everyone else. It's not like anyone is dying' and 'don't act like my mom at school'.  #truth
Carlee had no comment.  The truth is, she needs space from me because I still view her as a baby girl. 

pumpkin patch
pep rallies 

story time

And finally, I decided that although I rarely think of myself this was one time that I had to look within.  When I felt the green light from God, I did something I haven't did in ten years.  I applied and interviewed for a job. 
Guess what?  I later received the news that I GOT the job and then...................

reality hit.  Am I really leaving my familiar living room?  Am I leaving the family that knows me but loves me anyway?  Am I really starting all over?  

rap stars

hat day and long hair

another of my craft ideas, he. he.

it takes a team and a village  

I am scared (tweens) and excited (teaching tweens) and busy (how to a fix an inclusion schedule?  ....resource room decor?.... behavior needs for tweens.... more research).  
So Yes,  this journey is on like Donkey Kong.  (Oh wait, I'm with cool tweens now, sooooo YOLO.)  There you go-  You Only Live Once Baby!!  
SHCIAN:  See how cool I am now!

I will miss, miss, miss my home but the time is for change. 
For now I say Goodbye to Primary School (weep, weep, weep) and say Hello to Middle School Cool.  


happy day and group effort

Ultimately, I love teaching.  I love kids.  I love teaching a person something they didn't know before they met me.   I love making connections with people and families.  I feel blessed that I am allowed to do this work in a different format.  I hope you all will pray for me on this new journey.

For now CYAL8R (←that means see you later, he. he.).


  1. Dear Amanda,
    I'm sad because you are leaving us, but I'm very happy for you in this new professional journey. You are going to do great in middle school! You're a great teacher! Tweets will love you! Changes are good! They scare us, but we need be courageous and face anything, even though we have to do it afraid. Blessings and love! Elaine C. Reales

    1. thank you Mrs. Reales. What am I going to do without my rap buddy? lol. I am so thankful that I was able to work with you. You are an amazing teacher!! Keep those prayers coming. ;) Love, Amanda

  2. YOU are going to be one AWESOME middle school teacher! I'm nervous for you because, like you, I respond hesitantly to change; however, you will adjust and organize and organize and organize (haha) until you have the perfect schedule and resource room! We're all so proud of you! Love, Aunt Steph

    1. Thank you for your unwavering love and support. I am grateful for you Aunt Steph.
