Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Middle School Ready?

It's that time of year and I need a shiny apple real bad.  
I actually started my work a few weeks ago.  I couldn't WAIT to see my space at middle school, until I saw my space at middle school..............
Yep, this is it.

When I asked my neighbor and colleague where all of the "stuff " is located, she said "this is your stuff".  She is very sunny and optimistic and reassured me that I will collect "stuff" before I know it.  💗

Man, was I NOT feeling very optimistic about making this work before Parent Night.  

I did take a nice bookshelf I saw in the hallway outside of my room....

but it belonged to another teacher. (oops)  Luckily, she knows me and forgave me right away. 
(everyone knows I move furniture first and think later)

I was really starting to miss all my old crap at my old homestead,
but these things were purchased, begged, and borrowed for my K-2 babies.  
It belongs to them now.

Before I went into a full blown Scarlett O'Hara Dramatic Panic Mode and did something crazy like make a dress out of school blinds, my best favorite custodian stepped in to equip me with some furniture.  Then.........

my BTF (best teacher friend), whom I had already called in Scarlett Mode of course, 

swooped right in to help me find and buy just the right amount of items to get me started in Middle School Cool! 
Now that is what we call a PURE blessing ladies and gentleman.  
(Also, the intermediate school/my old room let me come over to junk dive in their closet. )

I don't have a lot but I now have enough to start some assessments/interventions until I collect more information to even know what I need. 

*The Grand Reveal:*



Once I finally got the furniture in place.  I started to work on a more inviting decor and I had to do it without these two.  
boooo. hooo.
  I haven't put up a bulletin board in 10 years! 

Creating a welcoming atmosphere is really important to me.  Every learning environment should encourage comfort and enthusiasm,  regardless of the age of the learner. 
What to do with zero age appropriate posters/decor?
When I think of tween interest, I think of 1. cell phones 2. expensive coffee drinks.  ???  I can't exactly decorate with teen angst.  

I found this on Pinterest and loved it.  My sweet teacher neighbor let me borrow her round table and I created all the parts.

Let's just say, it drove me crazy!!!  
The left side lowered and the right side crinkled.  I told myself 'you CAN do this without Mrs. E.'.  It's just paper for heaven's sake!
When I came in the next day and the whole darn thing was on the floor, and it was hot, and I was in a hurry...............

I finally threw in the towel and slapped this up on my wall above the classroom library. 

Luckily, I still had a lot of books from my fourth/ fifth-grade years and I was able to bring some of my personal books from 

A good book is a good book. 

I placed a few trinkets around the shelf, like this really cool shark cup I was given during summer vacation.  🐟  You can drink right out of it. 

I added these cups for Open House for anyone interested.  I think I'm going to add some candies/ gum to them too.

My letter introducing myself for all parents/ families. 
I decided on transforming my door into a (crooked) iPhone with a positive message.  

I know the tape doesn't look good but the thing would not stay until I slapped it on top.

My biggest pride and joy is this board.  
It was previously scuffed with permanent markers and tape alll over.  I couldn't even write on it.  

I gave it some elbow grease and slowly chipped away at the tape/ sticky spots daily until it shined like new. 

 These chairs gifted to me are so awesome.
My own children really love them. 

For final touches, I purchased some party poms and flags on Amazon.  It gives the class a little more color to the teal/black scheme. 

 I only have one bulletin board, so I added a line to hang informational items, which suits me fine because I'm not a fan of decorating boards.

 Of course, I had to include some items from my primary days.....

Here are a few more of my favorites right with my Bill Clinton picture (yes that crazy picture is real).  story here

 I made a little corner for storage...

not that I have a lot to store, but I might one day. 

I was also given rods and fabric to create curtains to match my reading area rug.
I didn't get a good picture but you can see a slip of it here.  

Due to time, I was unable to put up the curtains but I definitely have a future project along with painting tables.   
For now, I am all ready for Parent Night. 

I am currently NOT ready for the first day.  I'm writing out lots of notes on my incoming students.  I'm also meeting with teachers on ways I can most help in the inclusion model.  
My coworkers have been so kind and helpful.  I think I'm going to enjoy working with everyone.  I'm also praying for more time to pull out those who need it.  I think all teachers feel panic at the lack of time versus the amount to accomplish. Don't worry, whenever I feel stressed out, I just look at my board and think......

I'm doing a lot better than this girl. 
#vest #flute #funkyglasses #battleofthebooks  #nosportsplease
 Once a geek, always a geek.
Happy Back to School Friends

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