Sunday, August 6, 2017

Out of Africa

This summer the kids and I were able to (pretend) travel to Africa for a two week camp!
Honestly, it was such a fun experience, but.....
these two made fast friends, the only person Carlee would talk to in class
...some people had a really hard time.  (That is a whole other story.) 

just not into school

Connor did a fantastic job as helper.
He presented an animal native to Africa each morning as students came in for morning roll.

He is a natural with children.  💗

I was in charge of art projects.
We did a lot of great projects such as weaving, animal footprints, and jewelry making.  


We learned a lot of facts about Africa and its countries. 

  • The African continent has the second largest population in the world, at about one billion people.


  • Well over one thousand languages are spoken by the people of Africa. Some estimates put this number closer to two thousand.

  • The largest religion in Africa is Islam, followed by Christianity.

  • The oldest human remains ever discovered were found in Ethiopia. They are approximately 200,000 years old.

Let's go on a Safari! 


  • The African population is approximately 14.72% of the world's population (as of 2009). 

We had a lot of great guest speakers such as- a fellow teacher who served as a missionary in Africa, cultural dance/ music, and the North Carolina Zoo! 

I thought the children's books Mrs. J. picked out for the camp were very interesting,  rich in culture and information.


We even made African pancakes. 
In the words of Connor, "if you go to Africa, DON'T eat the pancakes." 
ha ha
The cookies turned out a lot better. 

I had the best time with these ladies!  We made a great team, and we had a blast planning and working together.  I hope I can travel with them next year!   

I highly recommend traveling to Africa!
It was a fun experience for everyone. 

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