Thursday, May 31, 2018

Keep Calm and Test On

This week is EOG week!
Like I told my students, "it's been ten years since I have administered a standardized test".  
Students:  "Didn't you test at [primary school]??"
Me:  "Yes, but not 'you might lose your job' test".

There are many rules to being a test administrator (especially one who implements specific testing mods) and it requires a lot of reading, highlighting, and rules.  

And, even though I tell my kids not to focus on scores and numbers but just work hard (I confess I get focused on scores and numbers, insert breathing into a paper bag).  I take on a lot of stress this time of year (my own fault).

This week I  needed something positive, so I decided to write (by hand) each one of my students a letter (are you impressed?  I could have did it in cursive also.  I know cursive).  

It really made me feel better because I was able to focus on attributes that were important.  


If you are like me, end of year never brings a lot of money (because you have spent it all on yearbook, summer clothing, parties, upcoming camps, trips, etc), but I do encourage you to take the time to remember a teacher that may have impacted your child's life whether it be a phone call, a note, or a candy bar (we scoff at nothing).  A small offering of appreciation goes a long way.    

For Connor's Teachers:
By middle school, I think most are done with the "teacher gifts" but I couldn't let this year go by without thanks.   This team helped Connor Me relax a little more this year.  
I think Connor found some real joy in learning.


ela- dr. teal/math- expo/ ss- pencil sharpener/ science- choc. covered peanuts
I gave each one something small they needed in their classroom paired with one little tube of chapstick BEE-cause they rock. 

For Carlee's teachers:
These two teachers are just special.
They really took Carlee far, and helped her with a lot of issues (anxiety, shyness, letter recognition, confidence).  

I got cracked up at my friend's son (who loves his fourth grade teacher so much) who wants to buy his teacher a $500.00 necklace.   I feel the same way about our two K teachers.  I went with a more budget friendly gift of tin summer buckets complete with a beach towel, Pioneer Woman water bottle (don't you love Pioneer Woman??), and summer magazine.  

I ask everyone to set yourself a goal this weekend:
hug a student and/or a teacher because they need it! 

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Educational Day Out

What. A. Year. And it is almost over.

As you know, I made the change from primary school to middle school this year (more on that later).  One of the biggest concerns I had with my big move was: Connor.  Not only would I be following my pre-teen son to middle school but I would also be responsible for implementing his interventions and progress.  To be honest I had no idea how it would go but if you have ever spent anytime with me and Connor, well this pretty much sums it up: 

At the end of this school year, I can tell you that I have learned a lot of awesome things, met a lot of awesome people, but 100% the most awesome part of this year was being near my son (I know, can you believe it!?).  I am very proud of him.

Actually Connor and Carlee have both had a great school year and I am so thankful that my job allowed me to be a part of it.  I know Darren's job makes it difficult for him to take part in field trips/events, so I really appreciate it more. 

Here are a few highlights from our educational days out.  
 Super Stoked to Watch the DASH Game


I got one pink bat and one black bat.  

Bolt the Mascot  

I love this picture.
100% boy joy

Science Center

Carlee's Favorite:  Sting Ray Petting
(after all the children boarded the bus, we stayed behind and went back to pet some more)

Three Amigas & Fashionestas


Dino Exhibit

 Glow in the Dark Fish

I absolutely loved spending the day with my doll and her class!  
We learned so much and had a blast (it's also really, really awesome when the kids get sooooo excited that you are with them).  :)

Do what you can to take an Educational Day Out!  You won't regret it.  

Monday, May 21, 2018

Racing through the Weekend

It's Monday, and I am absolutely exhausted but I'm going to try to sneak in a few pictures before I'm off to Carlee's PTO program.  She is practicing her songs in her "dressing room" as I type.  #diva
my baby girl

Who wouldn't be exhausted, 
as if the Royal Wedding was not enough excitement....
Aren't they the sweetest (even though Princess Kate and Prince William are still my favs )?

I also joined Connor on his trip to the Charlotte Motor Speedway- All Star Race.  

For those of you who don't know me, I would rather retile my bathroom floor than go to a race but Connor's RCC Club had made plans to attend this Saturday.  In addition to having 101 deadlines in the upcoming weeks, I really didn't want to go but since my new teacher pal begged me asked me....
do you like my hair!?!  I call it my  "HOLY COW!   HOW MUCH ARE WE GOING TO WALK" look

...combined with this guy begging me...

how could I say no???

Let me start by saying I was nervous.   I'm always nervous combining high school students with middle school students (mature gap), but thank Jesus, He sent some of the most patient and kind teenagers for this trip.
 Teacher Brag Tag:
Truly the nicest group of boys.  
One boy in particular (I will call him 'D. the Teen') really took Connor under his wing.
Even though a very HYPER Connor gave him 101 NASCAR stats alllllllll the way to Charlotte, 'D. the Teen' just kept smiling and talking to him. 

Once we were there, we took in a few sights.  The younger boys were really disappointed we didn't see any famous drivers but they still had a good time. 


Mama Sechrist is proud of her kiddos (even when they try to spend all their money on Nascar gear wayyyy before dinner, I love them).

 In case you are wondering how I was doing, I brought my Kindle, so I was great!

The SURPRISE of the evening came right before the night race started.  
'D. the Teen' came up to Connor and said, 'do you want to meet your favorite driver!?!'

Connor:  'huh!?!  what!?!'

'D. the Teen' (to me):  'Can he come with me? I have one extra pass?'

Me (put Kindle down, clueless): 'ummm. sure.'

The next thing I know 'D. the Teen' lifted Connor up and off they went.  

Although there were not enough passes for all the boys, 'D. the Teen' knew how much Connor loved racing.  
He saw how much this would mean to him, and he picked him to meet some of his favorite race car drivers.

Jimmy Johnson

I'D. the Teen' a good kid or what!?!
(Don't worry friends, I already emailed his mama.  Yes I did.  I told her she was doing it right.  :)  )

Denny Hamlin (Connor's Fav)

You can imagine the joy this boy felt.  
It was worth all the personal foot pain (not to mention observation of hairy backs, the cut off shorts, and the Budweiser toasts) to watch Connor's  experience.  

 I don't know how this pic got on my phone but I think it's a God shoutout.  Connor and I said long prayer before we left.  He answered all of our prayers and more.

We had great weather, great memories, safe travels, and met a wonderful group of people.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mommies and Dundies Take II

Hello Friends!
It's been a month since I've checked in, and although I've had a lot of stories and experiences to share, life has been too busy.  
Maybe I can catch up soon but in the meantime keep me in your prayers because no matter how hard I try, I end up being depleted physically and emotionally by the end of year. 

For now, life with these two just keeps moving.  
Can you see this one trying to grow up on me?

This one too....
 This was his first year in track.  He definitely persevered and learned a lot.  
I am a proud mama.  

It is that time again.
a family graduation...
Dundie Time

Congratulations J.!
You are such a funny, smart, and caring person. You remind me of your mom.    
I know you will make the world a better place and we are really proud of you. 

You may remember his brother graduated last year- here.  

We went out to another great restaurant.  
This one served the BEST French Onion Soup ever.  
We had so much fun celebrating. 
I need another bowl of this please. 

I do wish the restaurant had made a bigger deal about the presentation ....
I mean this is The Dundies People!?!

....but at least the cake had proper spelling.  :)
It was so good too!

Way to go fellows!

can you tell we have forced this brother photo!?! 

God is good to let me know this family.

Once home, I began to work on my Children's Church lessons.
It was a good morning.  
The mothers were all presented with Chick-fil-A gift cards (whoop whoop) and we named our new youth leader:

I felt God pull our team to give this young man an opportunity. Please pray for him on this journey.  He is a special fellow and our kids love him.

In children's church, I spoke about different mothers in the bible and placed scriptures on the board as inspiration for the craft.  
I had the children decorate their own tea mugs for their mothers with a bit of raspberry tea for the inside.

These were a few of my favorites.  #hilarious

Connor made this one for his Darren's mom- MeMe. 

Any mother who raised a boy who could pull out a Lemony Snicket quote like this deserves Mother of the Year (even if it isn't relevant).     :)

Carlee made this for me:  My mom is funny and a teacher.  I love her.  

I was expecting Mother's Day to be a bust.  
You may recall this day doesn't go well for me- here.
I felt this the second we went Go-Kart racing.  
It's always a fun experience for me to get in and out of a Go- Kart (sarcasm) but the kids love it!  

Later, I was pleasantly surprised this year!
Darren really thought out a nice gift.  
check out the all glitter card

 Carlee picked this out for me, Darren didn't think I would like it but I think she did a great job (and I actually bought a new larger bag and need a few miniatures ones to go in it).  

Although I wasn't expecting a Fitbit, I'm excited.   It's a really neat gift idea and knowing how much my heart rate spikes is good knowledge alone.  :)

It was a great weekend. 

Happy Mother's Day Friends!
We mamas keep the world turning.