Monday, July 30, 2018

Time Lab and Fam. Fun

This week was a blast into the past, present and future through our Time Lab VBS, and for extra specials, 
my sister and niece stayed with us for the week!

Who loves summer more than we love summer?



Even though we had a ton of rain, we passed the time with a movie, bowling, going to the candy store, epic slime FAIL, and Connor even wrote and directed a movie.  It was the best and so funny but we lost it trying to transfer it over to my computer (weep). 

Our Tru Bug

Luckily we fit in our favorite:  one pool day!  
These are my babies:
Rising 10th grade, 7th grade, 5th grade, and first grade.

Tru Bug and Carlee went down the slide about 100 times together.  Do you see Carlee in the back?  They had to switch places because Tru Bug kept falling on top of Carlee in the water, so they fixed it where Carlee would not drown.  :)


Connor and E. played HORSE with the water bucket.  They would throw it in and then it would dump out.

In the evenings we went to:   Time Lab VBS!
I taught the K-2 group again and just like last year, they were the best group.

Our leader and director R.


All things were created through him and for himAnd he is before all things, and in him all things hold togetherColossians 1:16–17

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and foreverHebrews 13:8


I love how my scientific beakers turned out (because I really rushed it).  The bubbles coming out of the "formula" are little paper plates. 

Tru Bug decided to stay with my class since she is new to our church.  I think Carlee was really happy about it.

In my Father’s house are many roomsIf it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? John 14:2

my partner in crime Fonda never got in the picture but she did take this one! 


At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:10-11

Each night, we would take our "Time Machine" to a different part of the bible.  

I ordered these little safety glassesthis little disco ball, and turned on "time machine travel effects" from iTunes to travel in our very own imaginary Time Machine!  

This was the first year that Connor was not a part of VBS (sniff. sniff). He was part of the youth this year and he loved it so much!  This was one of his favorite games of Ultimate Frisbee. 

disco light in the background 

Two of our little Time Traveling boys! 

The kids enjoyed the lessons but they loved, loved, loved the play stations I put in place.  

These kids played and played, they interacted, they shared, and they cleaned it all up on their own.
I was so impressed.

We had a 
build a time travel station (legos)
creation station:  animal doctor/ barbie doll tub
time machine tent
water tub with beakers
play dough
art table

Women of the Bible  
I think Carlee took me literally when I said that people cover their faces in the story I was reading.  She would probably prefer that people in our country walk around this way. 

Here the girls are using the "Burning Bush" with the disco light.
This is the kind of creativity I'm talking about- BRING BACK PLAY TO SCHOOL.

Our final night Tru Bug closed us in prayer (and did a great job),

and our Connor committed his life to Jesus Christ understanding Him as his Lord and Savior.

I love this picture with Connor and our Youth Leader who gifted him with the most beautiful bible on Sunday morning.  This will be a treasure for the rest of his life.  

Part of our family went home this week but we sure do miss them!!
I have much to be thankful.  

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal live. John 3:16

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