Saturday, October 5, 2019

I Survived Fall Fashion Shopping

I can't sleep worth a lick so I'll just blog out today's shopping expedition here at 1 am.  I just hope the preacher is super loud tommorrow so I can stay awake.
(Two Blogs in Three Days-  Who am I?)

Thank the LORD we have experienced some cooler weather but with that weather brings the need for some fall/winter clothing for my girl (insert Freddy/Jason music).  While that might sound like a fun event, it can really be the opposite.

Now before you judge me on this post, I will add that Darren always says he was the perfect parent until he had kids.  That is the truth!  I always said that my kids would eat what I fixed, wear what I bought, and do as I say- you know, like it's the easiest formula in the world.  And while I 100% support parents being the authority over their children, there are some instances when you have to ask yourself- is this truly important?  is this worth pursuing as I teach them as humans?

A friend once told me when raising children who 'march to the beat of their own drum' that sometimes you have to teach them to be Clark Kent at work/school and let them be Superman at home.  I understand that statement more and more.  There is a fine line between I want you to be unique but I want you to conform.

As for Carlee, I have to say that she is one of the most cooperative children I have ever met.  Sometimes I want to say 'OH FOR PETE'S SAKE, BREAK THE RULES A LITTLE'.   Carlee likes a routine, she is a listener, she is a pleaser, and she feels most safe under the organization of rules and steps.  It makes her sick to disappoint either parent or teacher.  Darren once got stern with her over a TV show she insisted on watching that was not appropriate.  She cried like a baby for a half hour.  Her spankings have been limited because a stern voice usually scares her pretty good (unlike the boy who claims we like the girl better, the boy who has a stubborn streak longer than the Mississippi).   

Still there is one area Ms. Carlee does dig in her heels on:  CLOTHING.  
Girl has her own style.  Before Carlee was 2 and unable to talk, she would have these massive meltdowns over clothing.  She once stole a tutu from daycare at age 3 by shoving it under her own dress.  I once drove her to daycare in her pajamas because she refused to wear what I had for her!?!  Darren once had the joy of taking her into the school building one morning after I had picked out her dress for picture day.  My stance resulted in an explosion at home, carried into the car, and into the school building.  It took two teachers to pull her away and get her calmed down (I had long left for work or we would have made a detour to the bathroom).

So yes, clothing is a hot topic.

I have video proof at age 1-

Needless to say that I was not really looking forward to shopping.  Yes, I have tried online clothing with this child in the past only to have the fabric feel weird and the look be all wrong and money down the drain.  It just doesn't work for us. 
This process is like war.  You have to just get in there with what you have, pray like crazy, and hope that everyone survives.   
The Good News?
I Survived Fall Fashion Shopping 

We vlogged the whole thing.  Enjoy shopping with a girl who knows her own style and a mom with an extra bottle of patience and Tylenol.  

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