Sunday, October 13, 2019

Scenes from the Weekend

This week started out awful.
Somewhere in the plan Connor ended up with a huge workload that I assumed would take our entire weekend.
Carlee was having "social" issues (hello girl groups who can make a left hand turn).
I was at the very least- 8 hours behind on all paperwork with the knowledge I had to at least redo three other meetings (hello new paperwork system).
Darren's mom went into surgery and he had worn himself out driving between home and hospital.
By Thursday afternoon, I had nothing to show for my workday, my house was a disaster, laundry was stacked, and I dissolved into tears at my very messy desk!  I know God was laying it on my heart to have faith but I was still having my reactions.

Even though I looked like crap (ie. no make up, hair not colored, outfit bag ladyish) and my mind wasn't in it, I went ahead to meet my pals for a pre-scheduled dinner that evening.  Thanks to Darren who got in on time to pick up Carlee (and reassured me he wasn't exhausted), I was able to watch to watch a movie with them too!  I never in a million years thought I would have time to watch this one but I was so excited.  I love Downton Abbey.  My favorite pairings are between Anna & Mr. Bates/  Violet  & Isobel (two sharp ladies who have the best banter). 

They did not disappoint in this movie.  
Image result for downton abbey movie

I was thankful to God all the way home for friends who care and never fail to make me laugh.  I think taking time to 'sharpen my saw' was effective because I was very productive the next day.
By Friday, Connor and his teachers had graciously worked together to catch up on all assignments.  Carlee had recovered from any gal pal social incident.  Meme was doing well.  Both kids went with friends and I got to work.  
Connor's Boy Luggage when he
comes back from a sleepover all over my kitchen!

By the Grace of God, I got in 5 hours of solid paperwork on Friday and then completed an additional 4 hours this weekend (exceptional needs teacher life don't play).   I'm just glad I put a dent in it.

Check out the scenes from our weekend:  

Laughter, Food, & Drinks with this Crew
(you can see we like to laugh in this pic.  I really miss these girls.)

Christian Football League
It's coming to an end soon and we will be so sad.  

Master B. heading off the Crew

Secret Weapon J! 
My Con Con- Always a Hoot
That headband though....

This is a great photo from Auntie H.

Carlee on the Zip (while Mama worked)

My dad took B. and C. to the 
ZMax Dragway on Saturday.

It looks like they had a great time.  🙄

Can you believe that I miss these days-

Not a girl in sight other than Mom and April O Neil.

Connor said they got lucky and met Steve Torrence on his way out of the pits!  They got an autograph and he talked with them.  Apparently a very exciting moment for Connor.

 Awesome Birthday Party for Awesome A!!

Silly Moments thanks to Photo Booth 
w/ Another Little Miss Carley
They laughed and laughed at these!


Playing in the backyard with kids I don't know until the sun goes down.

During paperwork, I watched Eat, Pray, and Love for the first time (eh).  I read the book 10 years ago.  I thought it was a bit selfish at the time and even more so now.  Julie Roberts was and is always fantastic.  

Image result for eat pray love

Another classic is an Australian soap opera about an all female ranch. I use to love this one when I was pregnant with Connor and it's now on Prime.  I'm at the part where Nick and Tess are falling in lovvvvvveeeeee.  #myfav  

Image result for mcleod's daughters

I got new glasses in the same shade of Spectacular Purple!  
A good thing since they got stepped on by my child on Thursday morning during my 'breakdown day'.  The glue would no longer hold.

Connor and MEME (pre surgery)

MeMe pulled through her surgery and is healing nicely at home.  Darren stayed with her though the weekend and all is looking good.  Keep her in your prayers.

Cover art

I am going to end my weekend with a few more chapters of this one.  So far a ghost is haunting our very masculine, tall, dark and brooding hero.  It shall take the love of a special heroine to rid him of his ghost literally and figuratively.  Seriously if I didn't love kids,  I would be writing this stuff.  🤣

Now for the Sunday Night blues.  I think we are all yearning for a normal schedule, if that is possible for an independent family of four.  
Have a great week all!

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