Sunday, April 2, 2017

21- Beauty Sunday

More Scenes from Soccer Saturday:
our team lost but Connor really worked hard

My Little Beauty

This afternoon, I planned to watch Beauty and the Beast with friends.   Don't tell Carlee.  She has been dying to see it but I thought it would be too scary for her.  (After I watched it, I'm pretty sure I was right.  Those theaters are loud enough without adding the growl of the Beast.) 
Then, I didn't think I would get to go this afternoon because I needed to catch up on paperwork.  

I decided to go anyway and I am so glad that I did....  
selfie with our $$$$$$ popcorn
We had such a good time and the movie did not disappoint.
I thought Emma Watson was perfect in the role as Belle.
I don't know why everyone was so upset about the "gay" character.    It was a musical set in could you ever determine who the "gay" character was!?!

Beauty and the Beast is the first and only broadway show that I ever watched in NYC.  I still get chills thinking about it.  It was truly the most beautiful show that I have ever watched in my life.  I dream of going back one day (just for the musicals).

I was even a fan of this Beauty and the Beast:  
Sigh.  The good ole' days when I was 10 and Ron Perlman was so romantic before he went right over to the Sons of Anarchy to be a big meanie, killer, biker.
Bring back Beauty and the Beast to daytime TV!!!

Right before church this morning my devotional book opened to this page.

Right. On.
Now let's go attack next week (the Good Lord knows I will need the armor for it)!

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