Sunday, April 9, 2017

28- No Day of Rest

Today was busy but good.

I was all set to confront someone about an issue this week when our church lesson reminded me of what it means to let go of petty nonsense and seek out the counsel of God.  Just like that my anger diminished and I felt what it means to ignore self for Christ. 

This week I am reaching for the light at the end of the tunnel.
I need prayers for the next four days and then I will feel like I can breathe again.

Today I had Children's Church 
(Resurrection Box... Details Soon)

I worked on paperwork the rest of the afternoon, caught up on the Real Housewives of Atlanta (love southern women honey).    

Carlee took her first nap on Sunday (since she was a tiny little baby).  

I have a few more minutes of rest before I turn in.... see you tomorrow.  

"Self-care was not on my to-do list. In the name of kindness, I have accepted people into my life who are hurtful, soul-sucking, or manipulative."

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