Monday, April 10, 2017

29- My Day

5:30-6:30am:  breakfast, pack lunches, get ready for work, wake up kids, prayer (and too much Facebook time)
6:30-7:30am:  children dressed, fed, and out the door..... one drop off at Intermediate School.....and last MY stop.
7:30-8:30am:  check in at school and prepare to leave with my kinders.
Field Trip to the Science Center and Parent Pickup
(had some great pictures but left them at school)
11am:  Received text that soccer practice was moved up an hour.
4:30-4:50pm:  Mad Dash to pick up Carlee and Connor.
I say a silent prayer that I don't have to search for Connor at his school. 
I try the double doors- LOCKED.  Dang it.
A child sees me with Carlee and opens the door for us.  Connor saw me pull up and is on his way.  Homework Done!! Yassss Jesus!   
4:50-5:10pm:  Connor runs inside and changes for soccer.  I know that if soccer ends at 6:30 the kids will be too hungry.  I put the chicken in the fridge and we head for the Golden Arches.
5:10-5:30pm:  eat in the car and while I order I check my texts.  The location is different.  Thank goodness I double checked so we didn't back track.
5:30-6:30pm:  I have both kids because of Darren's work schedule.  Carlee and I take a walk around the soccer field and pick flowers.  Carlee takes my hand and says 'let's talk'.  (love it)
6:30-7:00pm:  I drop the kids off at home, check in with Darren, and head back out to start the Easter basket shopping.  I have no choice.  Tomorrow we have a game, Wednesday we have church, Thursday I have WMU, and Friday family is coming.  We can't eat at the Golden Arches every night.
1.  I am not prepared.  2.  I am stressed.  This is not a good combo.  I do the best I can.  Besides, this is not the 'reason for the season'.
8:00-8:15pm:  I stop at the shoe store to look for Carlee spring flip flops.  They are closing down and have no selection (I had no idea and I really liked that shoe store).
8:15-9:15pm:  I run into the bookstore.  I am looking for devotions for the kids.  Something to put with the baskets that we can do at dinner to further worship time.  I am rushed out because everything closes at 9 in this town. 
9:15-9:30pm:  Dollar General Run
I find 5.00 light up jelly flip flops.  Perfect.
9:30-10:00pm:  check school emails and write out my blog for today.
...must muster the energy to shower. 

Good. Night. 

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