Monday, May 8, 2017

57- Monday Letters

Today was a pretty good day. I made it to the gym for a workout and did well filling up on fruits/vegetables... until dinner time.  I forgot to lay out meat and just decided to swing by the store for some hot dogs.  I grilled them on the George Foreman and they were delicious.  

I found this note in my box from my friend C. today.  She never fails to make me laugh and I am going to be so sad when she retires. 

Darren took Connor to practice and Carlee and I reviewed a few letters.  Girl LOVES Letterland but we still have a lot of work to do. 

She also filled out a few G. Ma cards for Mother's Day.  We are so ahead of the game (for once).

Tonight I read to her (for the first time) Where the Wild Things Are and she felt the story was 'good but sad'.  I thought this was funny because I always thought this story has a sad feeling too.  

Maybe we are both just Wild Things. 

Now to wait for Connor to study MORE EOG terms (sigh) bring on summer Vay Cay! 

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