Friday, March 31, 2017

19- Seafood and Chores


Although I was more productive today, I was interrupted about four times... leaving me with a ton of homework for the weekend (+our first soccer game).   😔

I did get a surprise this week.
(hint- it's for our Princess/Superhero dance fundraiser.)

I had one late meeting this afternoon and then I trucked it out of school.
Darren and I had to meet a friend who was cleaning house and giving us a few items.

The kids loved the visit.

They loved Phoebe the Cat and of course some of the other goodies.
It was a great visit.

Afterwards we went to a new restaurant, shaped like a Pirate Ship. We always wanted to go but never have until tonight.  It was really cool inside.

Connor and I split the crab legs and steak.
We had never ate crab legs before so we had to use Darren's phone to Google how to even crack it open and eat it.
We had a mess all over the table.  
(It was totally embarrassing and overpriced.)

Later we went to Walmart where Darren got dog food, I got face cream, Carlee got a Chelsea doll, and Connor got an AJ Styles wrestling figure.  

I'm about to go to bed and watch some Dateline (heck yeah)!  

Thursday, March 30, 2017

18- Little Friday

Today was a very productive day!  I could use one more like it!

I found the perfect items for one of my language groups.  Luckily Carlee isn't on to me that I borrowed a few things from her room.

I don't know what is going on but my class has been extremely quiet and well behaved this week.  (It's almost scary but I am not trying to jinx it.)

Look at this sweetie.  
I loved her Spring pictures this year! 

Root Beer Floats with Dinner?
Yes. Please.

We ended the night with a wet and soggy soccer practice.  I read my Kindle and watched Connor play. 

This is Connor's first full soccer season and it might be a long one. I sent this text to Darren.    :)

I have to say- Connor gets out there and he gives a 100%.  He doesn't know anyone on his team, they are all bigger than him, he has never played soccer (other than a camp)...... but he gets out there and has fun.  He always works so hard.

That is all for Little Friday. 

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

17- Too Tired to Blog

I'm much too tired to blog tonight.
I'll just say... I left my room like this today (I hope no one tried to vacuum).  

 I had a friend help me navigate the weights right after school today.  Little by little I'm learning about the "gym".

Tonight we went to church. I snapped this sweet picture of Carlee and her daddy.  She loves her daddy.  

....and Connor came home running a 100.6 fever (SCREAM. SCREAM. SCREAM.)

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

16- I Did It!

Today was a whole lotta' this....

in case you don't know, it is the dreaded symbol for a whole lotta' legal paperwork.  (insert scream)

When I left work today, I was greeted with Spring..... beautiful:

I thought about going to the  gym all day.  This is the most I have ever weighed and the most out of shape I have ever been....and that can be so intimidating.  I just kept having these visions of me knocking a little person out with my girth, or being surrounded by people in spandex with parts that don't move, or having a wheezing, snorting, sweating panic attack......  the scenarios are endless.

After dinner (shrimp and fish), I put on my workout clothing, laced up my sneakers, packed a bottle of water, and decided to go to my first Zumba class (in many years).  I left myself some extra time to find the room.  
It was the farthest point from my car.

When I entered the class, the instructor said 'it sounds like you have already been working out'.
Me:  'yes.  I walked from my car to this room.'
I recognized a few of the women who work in my school system.  They were warm and encouraging.  

I went to the spot in the very back corner (near the emergency exit).  Once the music started, I really had fun with it.  The instructor went at a good pace.  It felt very decadent to have an hour to myself and I remembered that I love to dance! 
I made it through the whole class without stopping (or passing out)!
At one point, a girl beside me who was much thinner and much younger had to take a break out.  I felt very empowered.    

After all, I have:  
-given birth and nursed two 10 pounders
-chased those 10 pounders after they turned into active 30 pounders
-stooped, bent, and pulled to get those babies cleaned, dressed, and moving
-hauled 25 pounds worth of sports equipment up a hill and back down
-hauled church tables up and down two flights of steps for a little girl party
-mopped, organized, and cleaned rooms before lifting pounds of laundry up and down a flight of steps weekly (not counting the midnight throw up all over the sheets)
-lifted an 85 pound autistic child, too stressed to move, from field trip grounds
-chased a very little, but fast, child through a corn maze who took off simply because he had to 'pee bad' (but he didn't tell me that before he took off)
-did the Tooty Ta enough to qualify for Dancing on the Stars
-spent all day in the hot sun teaching my children how to swim (and watching countless handstands... that were not really handstands)
-performed the choreography of a four year old to Frozen
-etc.  #mamasrock

And I thought an aerobics class was scary?
Fat Girl- 1
Gym- 0

Monday, March 27, 2017

15- Work It

Today we had the day off and it was awesomeeeeeee.  
I need MORE three day weekends in my life.  
I think I've finally had enough rest and as a result I was very productive.

Today I:
✅  did my grocery shopping.
✅   went to the doctor 
✅   clean bill of health (with a more proactive plan to be healthier)
Ps. I heart my nurse practitioner.  It's like I'm visiting a friend for coffee.  She is the best!   
✅   bought pants/ 1 shirt for cheapo
✅  signed up for the (gasp) gym (I know!  Big Step)
✅   I ran by the pharmacy for the family
✅   I made TWO trips to the D.G.
✅  ordered soccer socks
✅  wrote thank you notes
✅  completed report cards
✅  started to go to practice but cancelled due to cray cray storm
✅  made tacos for dinner

I have a bit of a problem with Dollar General.  I think the workers believe that I live in the parking lot.  There is one cashier in particular who I enjoy.
I have some quotes for you (Yep.  I go in there enough to have all these great quotes).

Me:  "Hey, how are you today?"
DGC:  "I'm justa' Gravy and Biscuits.  I hope you are!"
[Blogger note.  I still don't know what that means.] 

Me:  "Excuse me, can you tell me the price of this?" 
[shows an Easter tootsie roll container]
DGC:  "DEAR SWEET BABY JESUS, I have no idea."

 I overhear a child coming into the store asking "where are the toothpicks?"
DGC:  "Either with the cups or in the dental section."

Checkout Time [debit machine]:
DGC:  "You can go ahead and work the machine.
You better work. work. work it.
work that machine.
work it."
[does a little jig]


I have made a big decision.
I've cancelled my Netflix and plan to shave 5.00 off my grocery bill once a week to pay for this:

The Gym
It's. Time.

As I told the lady who took my information-  "do you need my husband's information in case I die of a heart attack?  You can tell by looking at me, exercise might make me die immediately."

We had a massive storm our way.  
Hail, wind, lighting, rain...  it was WiLd! 

I am so looking forward to this weather next week.   
Bring on the sunshine!  
My kids say... bring on the shorts! whooo. hooo
(for two days anyway)

In the words of the DGC Cashier:  
This week you better 
"You better work. work. work it.
work that machine.
work it."

Sunday, March 26, 2017

14- Never Say Die

I don't know if Spring is staying but I took a stand today.  Down came the snowflakes/snowmen and out came the Spring decor.  We are feeling much better and I was ready to come back to life.

Today our third child came over for a hangout. 
Carlee joined me for a Dollar General trip and picked out a new lipstick.  
She said "Mommy the boys will smile when they sees me".   (the boys being Connor and B. of course)

You might see her bright lips in this picture: 

Sure, she ended up looking like the joker by the end of the day but it was fun while it lasted. 

 I introduced the boys to this classic:

They held on until the last hour and then they didn't even pretend to be interested.  This movie is so 80s, to them it was probably like watching a filmstrip.   If my memory serves me correctly this was the first ever movie that I watched in a big theater and I was in kindergarten (or about to start).  Yes I DO remember it.  
Isn't it weird what your long term memory can spit out?

Our lunch was a smorgasboard of what we could gather, heat, and cook.

Somehow we used every dish in the house and I am still confused on how we managed to do it.

Carlee made us all some Snickerdoodles.
Actually, she had the idea and her hand got "tired" after two and I had to finish.

She also gave me a manicure.

Darren went nuts over the Carolina game tonight.  Apparently it was a close one.  I sure do wish I could have got a shot with his new "red" lips.  Carlee gave him a makeover too. 

I finally finished The Office.
It made me cry.  I watched season 1-9 and I already miss it.  It was truly a funny show with vulnerable characters.   I was so sad that Michael Scott didn't take more of a main role in the last episode but of course he delivered the best line:

I loved Pam's advice too:

I found this on my phone from last week.  

All of the senior graduates did a walk through for our primary students to "see" that one day they will be in that same spot.
"Success Starts with Believing in Yourself"

I guess the theme of today is: Believe in Yourself
or if your a Goonie- Never Say Die! 

Saturday, March 25, 2017

13- Saturday Healing

Today was a long day for a Saturday.
Even though we kind of chilled all day.......
I still felt very stressed and tired and unwell.
I really dislike all the above.  

Luckily, by after lunch I started to feel a lot better and was hungry.  I rarely ever lose my appetite so this was a very weird bug.
I was able to get start some cleaning.  I don't even have to say that when a mom is down it's like the whole place caves within days.   Most of it is done including our couch covers.

For a long time, I wondered how our couches could look so bad in five short years... 
all I have to do is look at my couch covers to know.
I've washed them three times in three months.
Children are just gross.  

I only had to deal with one meltdown today because someone lost her Barbie hand towel.
This was one issue easily resolved.

I made a whole bath collection.

Today I was kind of in that place where I didn't have energy but I was also restless so I finally buckled and bought this book: 

It was very popular about a year ago, but it was also about 25.00 and 700 pages.  I was not very interested.  Recently, a new scaled down version was for sale on the Kindle and my curiosity won over.  Hopefully I will glean some information.   Ps. Only four more episodes of The Office left.  (weep)... and I need this cup.

Friday, March 24, 2017

12- Sick Bed

I've been in bed for 24 hours.  
I have had very odd symptoms- like the flu but no fever or cold symptoms.
-severe exhaustion

We had a girls' weekend planned but had to be cancelled due to conflicts and sickness.  

I am so depressed and stressed over sickness.
I want everyone to be healthy.
I want energy again.

All I can do is watch Netflix.
I don't know what I will do when The Office is over (weep).  I'm on the next to last season.    
I am praying for energy after a (hopeful) good night's rest.  

Thursday, March 23, 2017

12- Depleted

Things that have been confirmed this week:

1. I do too many things.
2. Sacrificing self care is not worth it.
3. I really can't manage life without enough rest.
4. I absolutely can ignore rude, jealous, and hurtful people.
5. I can offer grace to others (and myself).
6. Laughter is the best medicine.
7. There really are no shortcuts in life.
8.  No matter what- some people will not get it (so get over it).
9.  If this week was a test I failed, but I am ready for the re-test.
10.  Each new day is a new opportunity. 

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

11- Surprise Visit

This week the cousins visited for Spring Break, which has been a bummer for Connor because he still has school and hasn't been able to spend time with them.

But, today we surprised Connor with a special pick up by the Florida Cousins.
It was very exciting.

 They joined him for his first soccer practice.

I think Connor is going to enjoy it.   He worked really hard during practice.  

Luckily there was a little playground right beside the field.
At one point, I decided to get all of the children gatorades.  Instead of taking them ALL inside the store, I left five children inside the van.  

I won't even tell you how bad that van was moving around in the parking lot.

Afterwards, we hit up the Big McDs.

I think a fun time was had by all.  
I hate we had a short visit but it was fun while it lasted.
Safe Travels & Much Love 

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

10- Tired Tuesday

I've made it to 10/100 daily blog posts! 

If I could describe today in one picture it would be:

Do you see a reoccurring theme this week?
(and the fact that Carlee got a new Barbie pool?)

I am ignoring the individual piles that are piling up on my desk.  I'm not even sitting at my desk these days.  Time is ticking and I just can't get to it....  
#kids  #fullmoon?

Tonight we were studying for a pop quiz.  
I specifically remember studying these terms in high school.
Things are so much more advanced today! 

Can I talk about having a pre-teen?
I'm officially the dumbest person that ever breathed according to my son's frequent eye rolls and muttered sassiness.  
It's like living with that coworker.  
(I remember being a teen once and it was no fun.  I am channeling my patience.)

Starting tomorrow, we will have a new sport.
Hopefully that will help with burning more productive energy.

While the boys shopped for shoes, the girls enjoyed a dinner outside on the first day of spring.

We had grand conversation about her BFF's new shirt.  It was BEE-U-TIFUL! 

Someone left this note in my box (and I hope they meant it for me because there was no name) but it made me feel REALLY special and happy.  I will make this person proud by passing on an authentic nice FUZZY to someone else.  
Pay it Forward