Thursday, March 16, 2017

5 - Picture Day


This morning was Spring Picture Day. 
It is so very hard to dress for Spring Pictures when it is FreeZing outside!

The adorableness lasted until the end of the day when it was time to change into this getup:  

She has played more with this balloon than anything from her party. 

My spot for Leadership was on the radio this morning.  It went well except for the part where I said all 'interesting' parents instead of 'interested' parents......
I will pretend it was the radio's fault. 

Tonight I fixed sliders but Connor has been begging me to fix the "Red Lobster" biscuits.  
They turned out very good, but it was just a bit too much bread. 

My kids have been really bucking us about sitting at the table together.  I compromised and allowed five minutes of wrestling talk as long as we all sat together. 
 It was very entertaining. 

I'm ending the night early.  I ran one of these right before I heard..... 
"Mama, I have to go to the bathroom".

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