Sunday, March 12, 2017

100 Day Challenge- Time Change

Today is the first day of my 100 Day Challenge. I have resolved to blog daily for the next 100 days.  I have really neglected hobbies in my life and I want to devote some time each day to doing something that I enjoy.  I thought about what I wanted to do as a challenge- writing, reading, exercising, bible study, etc.  I finally landed on blogging.  I think it's something that will challenge me but not so hard that it seems like 'work'.

What. A. Week.
Three cases of strep.
A week out of work.
A week out of 5th grade. 
Kindergarten Screening. 
 #5 Barbie Party.
Time Change.


cutie pie barbie 
It was a crazy week but everything worked out for the good.
The party was grand fun (details soon) and it was just soooo Carlee.

We came home Saturday evening and all I could do was leave the kitchen looking like:
and pretty much every room in the house....

 Connor went with a pal, so I rinsed Carlee off and we fell asleep in exhaustion watching the first 5 minutes of Turbo.

This morning I woke up very early, 4am.  The time change is messing with me.  I started to work on the house right away.
All has been cleaned, boxed up, put away, and organized (I think the steroids for the strep throat really helped out with the mission.  :)  )
Today was a productive day minus the missed service.  I was really looking forward to service this morning but between the sickness, the time change, clean up, make up work.... I made an executive decision to stay home.  No going out to eat, no running an errand, NO moving the car.  We had to stay home for one day.  ALL DAY. 

fun new game- Pop the Pig

It was a good call.   
Once home, Connor was able to finally get caught up on school work and he even took a nap (he NEVAH naps).  Carlee was able to spend some quality time resting and playing with her new things.
Darren had to work, so no rest for him until he came home of course. ha. ha. 

I think I will close the night writing out a few things for tomorrow and I downloaded this magazine on the Kindle. 

 It was a bit overpriced for a magazine but this cover called to me....
maybe because this very calm/ peaceful/ relaxed woman looks the opposite of

I think the cover was trying to tell me something. 

Good Night

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