Saturday, March 25, 2017

13- Saturday Healing

Today was a long day for a Saturday.
Even though we kind of chilled all day.......
I still felt very stressed and tired and unwell.
I really dislike all the above.  

Luckily, by after lunch I started to feel a lot better and was hungry.  I rarely ever lose my appetite so this was a very weird bug.
I was able to get start some cleaning.  I don't even have to say that when a mom is down it's like the whole place caves within days.   Most of it is done including our couch covers.

For a long time, I wondered how our couches could look so bad in five short years... 
all I have to do is look at my couch covers to know.
I've washed them three times in three months.
Children are just gross.  

I only had to deal with one meltdown today because someone lost her Barbie hand towel.
This was one issue easily resolved.

I made a whole bath collection.

Today I was kind of in that place where I didn't have energy but I was also restless so I finally buckled and bought this book: 

It was very popular about a year ago, but it was also about 25.00 and 700 pages.  I was not very interested.  Recently, a new scaled down version was for sale on the Kindle and my curiosity won over.  Hopefully I will glean some information.   Ps. Only four more episodes of The Office left.  (weep)... and I need this cup.

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