Tuesday, March 28, 2017

16- I Did It!

Today was a whole lotta' this....

in case you don't know, it is the dreaded symbol for a whole lotta' legal paperwork.  (insert scream)

When I left work today, I was greeted with Spring..... beautiful:

I thought about going to the  gym all day.  This is the most I have ever weighed and the most out of shape I have ever been....and that can be so intimidating.  I just kept having these visions of me knocking a little person out with my girth, or being surrounded by people in spandex with parts that don't move, or having a wheezing, snorting, sweating panic attack......  the scenarios are endless.

After dinner (shrimp and fish), I put on my workout clothing, laced up my sneakers, packed a bottle of water, and decided to go to my first Zumba class (in many years).  I left myself some extra time to find the room.  
It was the farthest point from my car.

When I entered the class, the instructor said 'it sounds like you have already been working out'.
Me:  'yes.  I walked from my car to this room.'
I recognized a few of the women who work in my school system.  They were warm and encouraging.  

I went to the spot in the very back corner (near the emergency exit).  Once the music started, I really had fun with it.  The instructor went at a good pace.  It felt very decadent to have an hour to myself and I remembered that I love to dance! 
I made it through the whole class without stopping (or passing out)!
At one point, a girl beside me who was much thinner and much younger had to take a break out.  I felt very empowered.    

After all, I have:  
-given birth and nursed two 10 pounders
-chased those 10 pounders after they turned into active 30 pounders
-stooped, bent, and pulled to get those babies cleaned, dressed, and moving
-hauled 25 pounds worth of sports equipment up a hill and back down
-hauled church tables up and down two flights of steps for a little girl party
-mopped, organized, and cleaned rooms before lifting pounds of laundry up and down a flight of steps weekly (not counting the midnight throw up all over the sheets)
-lifted an 85 pound autistic child, too stressed to move, from field trip grounds
-chased a very little, but fast, child through a corn maze who took off simply because he had to 'pee bad' (but he didn't tell me that before he took off)
-did the Tooty Ta enough to qualify for Dancing on the Stars
-spent all day in the hot sun teaching my children how to swim (and watching countless handstands... that were not really handstands)
-performed the choreography of a four year old to Frozen
-etc.  #mamasrock

And I thought an aerobics class was scary?
Fat Girl- 1
Gym- 0

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