Wednesday, March 15, 2017

4- Perspective


Perspective has been an interesting thing today.
I started the day soothing myself with food because basically people do not see my perspective.

In life, sometimes people WILL NEVER understand your perspective.  That part of life stinks (COME ON PEOPLE see it my way)! 

You would be proud.  I did these three things today:  3 Questions to Ask Before Reacting.   
I'm not sure it did any good but I still made a thoughtful, prayerful choice.  What would I tell a child? You may not see the result but God saw the choice.

Speaking of perspective.   Mrs. E. offered a different perspective today.  
My day just kept getting more "interesting" and so I dealt with it by eating MoRe.   I explained that "If I didn't have to deal with 'all of this' I wouldn't be eating right now?"    And she said "What if everything was perfect?"  
When she asked that question I thought 'how ridiculous, nothing will ever be perfect."
True. Dat.

.. nothing will ever be perfect, so why not deal with uncomfortable feelings in a better way?
Dear Warriors, I'm going to need prayers in this area of my life.   #sayno2badVices

Of course, the day started rocky but there were many blessings-

A celebration of a sweet friend:

I've really enjoyed my time A LOT with this person this year-

I always feel myself talking WAY too much and I never let her talk but she still always makes me feel like she enjoys our conversations.  (Thanks for that.)

Keep praying for our pep rally this week.  The kids ROCKED the practice today.  I collaborated with this teacher for a Leadership rap and I almost peed my pants laughing so hard. 
my spirit animal
This thing is getting scarier by the minute.    

One learner is catching steam.....writing and reading even more in braille this week!  This child has taught me so much and I feel accomplished.  I wish I had time to get braille certified.  ðŸ’— 

After school snacks-

Car repair.

Someone earned the green apple in church tonight.

 (And No.  No one else was in costume.  Just her.)
thanks Courtney....  Carlee has deemed every night Wizard of Oz theme

Tonight Connor finished his Start Zone, which technically should have been completed in September... but sometimes (*) you gotta take your time with boys.   

*good advice for mom of boys

It was a pretty good day but my mind is very FULL.

Good Night

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